
Waste brick is a low-​carbonande co-​friendly alternative to conventional masonry. This innovative material aims to recycle construction waste to construct high-​quality structures comparable to fired-clay bricks and offer an aesthetic appearance with no additional paint.
Link to Producthttps://kenoteq.com/kbriq/

SuppliersSustainable Credentials
  • 95% less carbonemission
  • 90% Construction waste
  • 100% recyclable as inert construction waste
  • <10% energy use intraditional clay brick production
  • No painting or surface treatment required
  • No cement
  • No kiln firing
  • Materials sources locally
Benefits & Features
  • Suitable for both exterior and interior application
  • Better insulation property than traditional brick
  • Comparable weight, strength and colours
  • Range of colours available with potential for bespoke colour development
  • Flexible production locations
  • Ready to use in 24 hrs
Negatives & Limitations
  • Made to order and not readily available in Sheffield


Manufacturing LocationEdinburgh
Raw Material LocationSame County
CO₂e455g per unit
Thickness (mm)0.14
Thermal Conductivity (W/mK)0.74 W/mK
Life Expectancy (Years)Long - Made from brick, stone & concrete
Fire PerformanceClass A2 s1 d0
Acoustic Performance-
Density (kg/m³)1,750
ColourComes in a range of colours and can be colour matched
TextureSimilar to standard brick
Retail Price£3,000 per 1,000 + VAT
Warranty (Years)BBA accreditation of 30 years (expected to be extended to 60 years)
Date Available From2023
Date Available To-
AvailabilitySustainability of Raw MaterialsApplication