Thermafleece Natrahemp

Thermafleece NatraHemp offers a medium density insulation option abundant in natural hemp fibres, providing a secure, effective, and long-lasting alternative for those who prefer plant-based fibres. Hemp, a rapidly growing and environmentally friendly plant crop, yields fine fibres well-suited for insulation purposes.
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Manufacturing LocationPenrith, England.
Raw Material Location-
Thickness (mm)-
Thermal Conductivity (W/mK) 0.042 W/mK
Life Expectancy (Years)-
Fire PerformanceSpread of Fire to BS 5803-4: pass
Acoustic Performance-
Density (kg/m³)28
Retail Price-
Warranty (Years)-
Date Available From-
Date Available To-
AvailabilitySustainability of Raw MaterialsApplication